intimate relationship

7 Foreplay Games All Couples Should Try

Who likes games? How about games that involve you and your significant other alone and getting naked? That's exactly what these foreplay games are all about. Our habits run our lives and that really is a good thing. Our habits allow us to accomplish tasks on a regular basis without having to expend too much energy which is great

7 Foreplay Games All Couples Should Try2020-11-28T05:53:13-05:00

Viagra for a Woman’s Brain

With another weekend behind us and the long work week ahead, the simple thought of this can leave many people feeling less than sexy. There is no question the daily requirements of life have negative effects on anyone’s libido, especially women. This leaves many women searching for viagra for a woman. There is a stereotype that men think and

Viagra for a Woman’s Brain2020-11-28T05:58:29-05:00

Caressing Tips for Sexually Arousing a Woman

Intimacy is much more than just sex. Touch is a major starter to intimacy and because of this, we have compiled this list of caressing tips for improving intimacy and sexual arousal. By far the most frequently asked question we receive from men is “What is the best way to turn a woman on?” It’s understandable why this question

Caressing Tips for Sexually Arousing a Woman2024-02-09T14:14:31-05:00

How Intimate is Your Relationship?

[adinserter block="10"]We hear the term intimacy used in many contexts regarding relationships and depending on the individual, it can have a drastically different meaning. It’s through these differences in meaning and expectation a relationship can face problems. How intimate is your relationship? In the broadest of terms, intimacy is about being emotionally connected with your partner. Feeling a sense of

How Intimate is Your Relationship?2020-06-24T06:09:32-04:00

Sex Secrets Everyone Should Know

The intimacy you share with your partner is much deeper than just physical. Research shows happy couples are those who continually work on their relationship on all levels; emotionally and physically and share all their sex secrets with each other. To think there is no work involved in a satisfying relationship would be a mistake, just as thinking having

Sex Secrets Everyone Should Know2020-11-28T19:48:52-05:00

Sexual Arousal Peaked by These 6 Foods

Want to peak your sexual arousal before dinner? How about a really romantic dinner? Sure, candles and soft music are nice, but what you and your man nosh on could truly take things to another level. The following healthy foods may actually affect hormone levels, brain chemistry, and energy, heightening arousal and sex drive. While there aren’t double-blind studies

Sexual Arousal Peaked by These 6 Foods2024-02-09T07:42:18-05:00
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