
Is Foreplay the Secret to Longer Lasting Sex?

Whether they will admit it or not, longer lasting sex in on many men's minds. They fear their sexual partner calling them a “two-second wonder” in bed. For as badly as they desire to have sex, they don’t want to be known as the guy who climaxed before the party even got started. In addition to this, most women

Is Foreplay the Secret to Longer Lasting Sex?2020-11-28T05:57:44-05:00

Caressing Tips for Sexually Arousing a Woman

Intimacy is much more than just sex. Touch is a major starter to intimacy and because of this, we have compiled this list of caressing tips for improving intimacy and sexual arousal. By far the most frequently asked question we receive from men is “What is the best way to turn a woman on?” It’s understandable why this question

Caressing Tips for Sexually Arousing a Woman2024-02-09T14:14:31-05:00

Are You Ready for an Orgasm Quiz?

[adinserter block="10"]Sex is a topic on our minds a lot. Whether we want to admit it or not, it’s on our mind in some form daily. We know the stereotype that men think about sex every seven seconds are false (that’s over 8000 times per day). However, from actual studies we know the number of times it’s thought about

Are You Ready for an Orgasm Quiz?2020-11-28T19:35:18-05:00

How Important is Foreplay for Sex?

How important is foreplay to a great sex life? Busy life? Only have time for “quickies” with your significant other? We understand as all our lives are busy, but we also know that while there is a benefit to having those quick intimate moments, there is also a need for more. Any committed romantic relationship requires more than just

How Important is Foreplay for Sex?2020-11-29T08:16:52-05:00

Crazy Sexual Facts You Didn’t Know

One of the most commonly discussed topics is sex and we have 15 crazy sexual facts we bet you haven't heard of before. Hands down it’s a topic we are curious about as pre-teens, then as mature and have our first sexual experiences, our minds and bodies are opened up to what sex is all about. Our journey of

Crazy Sexual Facts You Didn’t Know2020-11-28T19:39:59-05:00

Sexual Arousal Peaked by These 6 Foods

Want to peak your sexual arousal before dinner? How about a really romantic dinner? Sure, candles and soft music are nice, but what you and your man nosh on could truly take things to another level. The following healthy foods may actually affect hormone levels, brain chemistry, and energy, heightening arousal and sex drive. While there aren’t double-blind studies

Sexual Arousal Peaked by These 6 Foods2024-02-09T07:42:18-05:00

4 Simple Steps to Your Best Orgasm Ever

There is having sex, and then there is having the best orgasm to make sex out of this world! However, when talking about orgasms there are many stereotypes and myths surrounding the Big ‘O’. For instance, have you heard the one that some people just can’t have orgasms while making love while others can? This is another great example

4 Simple Steps to Your Best Orgasm Ever2020-11-29T07:19:19-05:00
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