Crazy Sexual Facts You Didn’t Know
One of the most commonly discussed topics is sex and we have 15 crazy sexual facts we bet you haven’t heard of before. Hands down it’s a topic we are curious about as pre-teens, then as mature and have our first sexual experiences, our minds and bodies are opened up to what sex is all about.
Our journey of learning about sex never ends and along the way we hear some pretty crazy “things” about sex. For some of the facts, we hear we find it hard to believe they can be true. We know there are many myths about sex that have been continued and handed down from generation to generation. So today we want to share with you some of the more obscure sexual facts for your entertainment and of course, your knowledge, enjoy.
15 Crazy Sexual Facts
1. Other than the genitals and the breasts, the inner nose is the only other body part that routinely swells during intercourse – this is because it is made from the same type of erectile tissue as the penis.
2. Humans aren’t the only species that partake in oral sex; cheetahs, hyenas, and goats all go down on their partners too.
3. In 1609, a doctor named Johannes Jacob Wecker reported finding a corpse in Bologna with two penises (a condition called diphallia). Since then, approximately 100 cases of similarly endowed men have been recorded.
4. The sperm of a mouse is longer than the sperm of an elephant.
5. Almost all mammals besides humans (like bears and dogs) actually have a bone in their penis.
6. Despite her three husbands and a parade of famous lovers (including John F. Kennedy, Frank Sinatra and Joe DiMaggio), it was a psychiatrist that finally helped Marilyn Monroe, the most celebrated sex icon of the 20th century, achieve her first orgasm shortly before her death. Are you having trouble experiencing an orgasm?
7. There is a lot more to the clitoris than meets the eye. It is shaped like a wishbone and is about 3 to 4 1/2 inches long.
8. In 1899 the then President of France, Francois Faure, allegedly died while receiving oral stimulation. When his mademoiselle realized her monsieur was stiff for all the wrong reasons, she panicked, suffered trauma-induced lockjaw, and was rushed to hospital where she had to be pried from the penis of the passed-on President.
9. Male honeybees (Drones) only get to have sex once in their life. They die after mating because the penis and associated abdominal tissues are ripped from their body after intercourse.
10. Apparently, when Captain Cook visited the Kingdom of Tonga in 1777, King Fatafehi Paulah had been busy fulfilling what he believed to be his ‘royal duty’ of taking the virginity of every woman in his kingdom. It is estimated that he deflowered 37,800 during his lifetime and never slept with the same woman twice.
11. Exhaustive research published by Johnson & Johnson found that the average time between penetration and male orgasm is 7.3 minutes – this involved 1,587 couples having stopwatch-timed sex.
12. The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation.
13. The female bedbug has no sexual opening. To get around this dilemma, the male instead pierces females with his hypodermic genitalia and ejaculates into the body cavity.
14. Lipstick is rumoured to have been invented in the Egyptian times for women who wanted their lips to look more inviting – apparently red lips resemble the vagina of a wanton woman anxious for sexual fulfilment.
15. The clitoris is the only organ in the human body that has just one purpose – pleasure. Want to make sure she has all the pleasure she desired and deserves?