Why Tuesday Sex Is Better Than Makeup Sex?

Disagreements are a part of life and definitely a part of loving relationships. Is this why makeup sex always feels so great though? Or is there something better? Do you feel sexually connected to your partner? If you answered no don’t feel there is a problem with your relationship. The fact of the matter is many married couples or

Why Tuesday Sex Is Better Than Makeup Sex?2020-11-28T06:00:54-05:00

How Important is Foreplay for Sex?

How important is foreplay to a great sex life? Busy life? Only have time for “quickies” with your significant other? We understand as all our lives are busy, but we also know that while there is a benefit to having those quick intimate moments, there is also a need for more. Any committed romantic relationship requires more than just

How Important is Foreplay for Sex?2020-11-29T08:16:52-05:00

4 Simple Steps to Your Best Orgasm Ever

There is having sex, and then there is having the best orgasm to make sex out of this world! However, when talking about orgasms there are many stereotypes and myths surrounding the Big ‘O’. For instance, have you heard the one that some people just can’t have orgasms while making love while others can? This is another great example

4 Simple Steps to Your Best Orgasm Ever2020-11-29T07:19:19-05:00

Is this Stopping You from Having an Orgasm?

How many times have you had sex in the past few months that you have not had an orgasm? Judging by the fact you are reading this article it may be happening more frequently than you’d like. In fact, 1 in 3 women fails to have an orgasm when they have sex. There are many factors that play into

Is this Stopping You from Having an Orgasm?2020-12-06T07:16:29-05:00
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