
Three Simple Ways to Become a Better Kisser

Being a better kisser means different things to women and men, did you know that? For women, it can be a deal-breaker. For men it’s can be nerve-racking. Yet when done right it’s body tingling amazing. The power of a kiss can leave an impression that lasts a lifetime, and there is research to prove it. From all the

Three Simple Ways to Become a Better Kisser2020-11-28T20:00:28-05:00

Why We Kiss at Midnight on New Year’s Eve

[adinserter block="10"]It can be hard to believe that the end of another year is upon us and a new one starts with the person we kiss at midnight. New Year’s Eve is the last hurrah of the holidays and a way to send the old year out with a bang, and welcome in a new. With the promise of another

Why We Kiss at Midnight on New Year’s Eve2020-06-24T06:10:51-04:00

Kissing Tips for Better Sex

Hint: Before sex is kissing. Use these kissing tips to have better sex. We all know there is no playbook for what a couple needs to follow for great sex. While books and magazines may say there are ‘rules’ to follow, what they refer to as ‘rules’ are simply what turns you and your partner on. Finding this common

Kissing Tips for Better Sex2021-12-06T14:43:48-05:00
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