Hexagonal Water Health Benefits
Hexagonal water health benefits and information on how to make your own. Hydration tips using hexagonal water. Dr. Lee Lorenzen’s Cluster X2.
Hexagonal water health benefits and information on how to make your own. Hydration tips using hexagonal water. Dr. Lee Lorenzen’s Cluster X2.
How important is proper hydration to our health? Your hydration level could actually become a matter of life and death. Water is essential to the health of your heart. Water is essential for your heart's function, which is to pump blood. Your heart will be able to pump blood more efficiently if you keep it properly hydrated. It is
How important is proper hydration to our health? Your hydration level could actually become a matter of life and death. As an example, water is vital to your heart’s health. Water helps your heart to perform it function; pump blood. Keeping your heart properly hydrated allows your heart to more easily pump blood through your blood vessels and into
Clustered water is vital to everyone’s health. A significant portion of our bodies is made from water, not just ordinary water. NHT Global’s Cluster X2 has been created to benefit the body with increased and more efficient cell hydration. It is now adequate, independent research on the bioactivity of clustered water (water clusters) and how the cells are better
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