Esther Hicks Books
The Law of Attraction
This book presents the powerful basics of the original Teachings of Abraham.
Within these pages, you’ll learn how all things, wanted and unwanted, are brought to you by this most powerful law of the universe, the Law of Attraction. (that which is like unto itself is drawn). You’ve most likely heard the saying “Like attracts like,” “Birds of a feather flock together,” or “It is done unto you as you believe” (a belief is only a thought you keep thinking); and although the Law of Attraction has been alluded to by some of the greatest teachers in history, it has never before been explained in as clear and practical terms as in this latest book by New York Times best-selling authors, Jerry and Esther Hicks.
The Vortex
This leading-edge work by Jerry and Esther Hicks, who present The Teachings of Abraham, will help you understand every relationship you are currently involved in as well as every relationship you have ever experienced.
This book uncovers a myriad of false premises that are at the heart of every uncomfortable relationship issue and guides you to a clear understanding of the powerful creative Vortex that has already assembled the relationships that you have desired. Abraham will show you how to enter that Vortex, where you will rendezvous with everything and everyone you have been looking for.
Abraham says: “It is our desire to help you to solve the mystery of those seemingly impossible relationships; to sort out the details of joyously sharing your planet with billions of others; to rediscover the beauty of your differences; and, most of all, to reestablish the most important relationship of all: your relationship with the Eternal, Non-Physical Source that is really you.
Money and the Law of Attraction
This leading-edge work by Jerry and Esther Hicks, who present the teachings of the Non-Physical consciousness Abraham, explains that the two subjects most chronically affected by the powerful Law of Attraction are financial and physical well-being.
This book will shine a spotlight on each of the most significant aspects of your life experience and then guide you to the conscious creative control of every aspect of your life, and also goes right to the heart of what most of you are probably troubled by money and physical health. Not having enough money or not having good health puts you in the perfect position for creating more of that which you do not have. This book has been written to deliberately align you with the most powerful law in the universe—the Law of Attraction—so that you can make it work specifically for you.
Money and the Law of Attraction are formatted in five, vibrant essays:
- Part I – Processing of Pivoting and Positive Aspects
- Part II – Attracting Money and Manifesting Abundance
- Part III – Maintaining Your Physical Well-Being
- Part IV – Perspectives of Health, Weight, and Mind
- Part V – Careers, as Profitable Sources of Pleasure
Also included is a free CD (excerpted from a live Abraham-Hicks workshop) that features the Art of Allowing your physical and financial well-being to come through.
The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent
This leading-edge book by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present the teachings of the nonphysical entity Abraham, is about having a deliberate intent for whatever you want in life, while at the same time balancing your energy along the way. But it’s important to note that the awareness of the need to balance your energy is much more significant than goal-setting or focusing on ultimate desires. And it is from this very important distinction that this work has come forth.
As you come to understand and effectively practice the processes offered here, you will not only achieve your goals and desired outcomes more rapidly, but you’ll enjoy every single step along the path even before their manifestation. As such, you’ll find that the living of your life is an ongoing journey of joy, rather than a series of long dry spells between occasional moments of temporary satisfaction. Harnessing the laws of the universe to achieve all that you desire can be yours, and this book lays out the plans for you.
Ask and It is Given
For almost 20 years Jerry and Esther Hicks have been presenting workshops, producing tapes and writing books to help people create the life they desire. And desire is no small word on this agenda.
According to the teachings of “Abraham” – a collective name for the spiritual entities that are channelled through Esther – desire is a good and natural force within us. In fact, we are all here to fulfill our desires, according to Abraham. Yet the reason so much of us feel frustrated, is that we have difficulty knowing how to ask and receive whatever we want to be, do or have.
Although Jerry and Esther are listed as the authors, Ask and It Is Given is actually a collection of channelled messages from Abraham. Fans of Abraham and the Hicks may not find new information, but will probably be delighted to have an inspiring, updated book that speaks to the familiar conversation of attracting the life we want. Newcomers may also be intrigued by this excellent, in-depth discussion on how to change one’s life by matching the vibrational energy of one’s desires–taking the power of positive thinking to a whole new level.
Because this material is channelled, it often reads like The Power of Now or A Course in Miracles–not a fast food book to be devoured in one sitting. Rather, this is a book to be read in passages, with a soothing gestation period in between. It includes much advice on working with energy and emotions as well as specific chapters on increasing prosperity, reclaiming health, working with meditation, and clearing clutter for clarity. For those who are on board with the “Laws of Attraction” and the “Art of Receiving” that Abraham speaks of, this could be one of those deliciously mysterious books that you can open to any page and it seems to offer the exact advice or insight you need right now.
The Astonishing Power of Emotions
This leading-edge book by Jerry and Esther Hicks, who present the teachings of the Non-Physical entity Abraham, will help you understand the emotions that you’ve been experiencing all of your life.
Instead of the out-of-control, knee-jerk reactions that most people have to their ever-changing life experience, this work will put those responses into a broader context. You’ll come to understand what emotions are, what each of them means, and how to effectively utilize your new awareness of them.
As you read, you’ll come to appreciate, and make peace with, where you are right now, even though there is so much more that you may desire. Every thought you absorb will bring you to a greater understanding of your own personal value and will show you how to open your own doors to whatever you may wish to be, do, or have. And as you turn the last page of this book, you will very likely find yourself thinking, I have always known this, but now, I know this!