How Kinky is Your Sex Life?

How kinky is your sex life? Or do you have run-of-the-mill sex that is more predictable? For couples who want to keep passion in their relationship, this should be something you question on a frequent basis.
As we wind down our work week and look forward to the weekend ahead it’s time we get to know ourselves and our sexual partner a little better. All week long we have been busy with our schedule or work and family commitments and with the weekend finally here, it’s time to get it on, to tie one on, or whatever you choose to call it.
How Kinky is Your Sex Life?
Which is really the point of this; what do you call it when you have sex and how do you have sex? We all know what sex is, we are not just learning about the “birds and the bees”, we are talking about your sexual preferences.
You are not the kind of person who enjoys vanilla sex. There may have been a time in your adult life when it was sufficient for your sexual needs, but you have changed, you have evolved. As you’ve evolved and matured your sexual desires have changed and so too have the “things” you do while having sex.
Call it adventurous, unusual, call it kinky, whatever you choose to call your sexual behavior it is up to you. You and your partner are consenting adults and obviously enjoy how you have sex and that’s great. But have you ever wondered though just how kinky are you?
While that may be a very loaded question as one quick search on the internet will result in many pages of strange and bizarre scenes. We also know that many of those scenes are staged and not real, so if you do have a kinky side it can be difficult to gauge just how kinky you are.
Leading us to a simple quiz. A quiz that will walk you through a series of simple questions put together so you can gauge your sexual preferences. See if what you find kinky has become mainstream or are you and your partner still pushing the envelope of sexual exploration.
Take your How Kinky is Your Sex Life quiz.
Enjoy the quiz, the weekend ahead, and of course enjoy each other!
As always we appreciate all your comments and emails and don’t forget to share this information with your friends; comparing answers is definitely optional.