8 Orgasm Secrets You Want to Know

8 Orgasm Secrets You Havent Heard Of

If asked what screams satisfaction during sex, most people will answer “orgasms.” While it is true both men and women do not have to experience orgasms to be sexually satisfied, finding new ways to experience orgasms is still well worth it.

Alura Lux was developed specifically to increase a woman’s ability to reach and experience orgasms more frequently and intensely. Through our research and all our customers, we know Alura Lux works and we also know there are additional ways to improve your ability to orgasm.

So with your bottle of Alura Lux in hand, we decided to share with you 7 orgasm secrets that you may never have heard of. Read them, experiment with them and enjoy not only the orgasms you will have but the entire process of what works best for you.

Get Competitive

Sign up for a 5K race or schedule a game of tennis to get your competitive juices flowing. Simply anticipating a competition triggers a 24 percent boost in testosterone for women, according to a study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior. Increasing this hormone level in your body will drive up your libido thus increasing your sexual desire.

Turn up the Heat

Prior to sex, take a hot bath, or, if you’re short on time, place a warm washcloth over your vulva for a few minutes. Heat boosts blood flow to your vagina, leading to increased lubrication and sensitivity, says Hilda Hutcherson, author of Pleasure. Continue this process after you are finished your shower by applying Alura Lux directly on your clitoris. Your stimulation, sensitivity and lubrication will be increased tremendously.

Better Orgasms with Alura Lux Intimacy Cream

Tell Steamy Bedtime Stories

Write an erotic story featuring you and your partner, then ask him to read it aloud as he tucks you in. Lack naughty-writing know-how? Commission a sexy tale from the pros at customeroticasource.com. A 500-word turn-on starts at $30; a 5,000-word story runs $425. For a racier read, you can send in a few pics and request customized illustrations.

Sip a Sex Tonic

Let an ancient sex stimulant work its magic: Warm some milk, add a pinch of saffron, and drink up, says Aliza Baron Cohen, author of Sex: Rediscovering Desire Through Techniques & Therapies. Saffron, which releases its intense flavour when heated, has been considered an aphrodisiac for thousands of years.

There are other types of aphrodisiacs nature has to offer, read 3 Natural Aphrodisiacs to Boost Low Libido.

Strike at the Optimal Moment

During the first two days of your cycle, your testosterone levels surge, your libido soars, and your breasts and clitoris become ultra-sensitive, says Gabrielle Lichterman, author of 28 Days, a daily guide to your menstrual cycle. Intense orgasms may happen more easily than usual — and multiples are much more likely.

Recharge Your Batteries

Women who use vibrators say they have an easier time reaching orgasm during (vibrator-free) sex with a partner, according to a survey of 1,656 women conducted by the Berman Center. If you’re tech-friendly, try the iBuzz, a vibrating “bullet” attachment that plugs into your MP3 player and stimulates you in time to your favourite tantalizing tunes.

Step Up for a Quickie

For stellar sex in a hurry, pull on a skirt and find a deserted staircase, suggests Sex for Busy People author Emily Dubberley. If you’re shorter than your guy, stand a step or two above him. Face him or turn toward the railing so he can enter you from behind. (Hint: Grip the rail for leverage — and don’t lean over too far!)

Try a New Rhythm Method

Raise your odds of climaxing during sex from 23 to 77 percent with the Coital Alignment Technique, says Dubberley. Have your partner lie on top of you, with his pelvis directly over yours. Wrap your legs around his thighs and rock together gently. Push up and forward so that your clitoris makes contact with the base of his penis. Patience is key: Find your rhythm and stick to it until you orgasm.

With this new knowledge, you now have the ability to experience sex as never before. Heighten the effects of any or all these secrets with Alura Lux and raise your sexual satisfaction to new levels.

As always we appreciate all your comments and emails. While these may be called secrets we want you to share them with your friends, so don’t forget to share the knowledge of great sex.

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