The Art of Overcoming Adversity

Art of Overcoming Adversity

[adinserter block=”12″]Life can at times get in the way. This is to say life is full of adversity and we need ways of overcoming adversity on a regular basis. We are not being negative or pessimistic in that statement we are just being realistic and truthful. If anyone tells you it is possible to think yourself into a position where you never face adversity, they are flat out lying to you.

It is usually those very same people who tell you having adversity in your life is a choice. They themselves will go through life seemingly having it all together until adversity strikes them and their life quickly seems to fall apart. During these times or seasons of adversity, it can also bring with it a loss, lack and a sense of loneliness which has the potential to negatively alter the life of the person experiencing it.

Art of Overcoming Adversity | 3 Keys to Generating Success

Thankfully you can use adversity to your advantage and not let it negatively alter your life. There is an art to overcoming adversity and that is what we want to share with you. There are three keys that we will define for you which enable you to see adversity in a whole new light, one that includes gratitude.

Before we get into the three keys to overcoming adversity, there is a statement that precludes what we are about to share with you, one we are certain will resonate with you and assist you in dealing with adversity. “Adversity has an interesting way of introducing us to ourselves.

We have all met people who confidently tell us and themselves nothing can touch them. They are capable of anything and their confidence is something we applaud them on, however as soon as adversity strikes their families or business, they crumble. Conversely, we also know people who are not very strong or confident, and spend much of their time attempting to avoid adversity; yet when it touches their lives, they immediately rise above it and overcome the obstacles once thought impossible.

What makes the difference? Is it the type of adversity? No, because we have seen the same adversity receive blame for destruction in one person’s life and the credit for being the reason another person became successful.

So what makes the difference? It is simply this: those people who can use adversity to catapult themselves to new levels of success use the following three keys, whether or not they realize it.

3 Keys to Overcoming Adversity

Key #1: Look at adversity as a temporary circumstance – not a permanent reality.

Many people make the mistake of misdiagnosing adversity when it first strikes. They panic and fall victim to thoughts such as “This is never going to end” or “My life will never be the same.” When people see a situation as permanent, they react differently than they would if they saw it as temporary, and in doing so they often incur a higher cost and may even inadvertently extend the season of adversity.

As an example, let’s say you are a person who loves the warmth and activities of summer. Imagine how you would feel if you were convinced when December rolled around, winter was never going to end! You would lose all hope, and along with it, the energy, creativity, and desire to plan for a future you would have convinced yourself would never come.

These are the necessary prices people pay when they fail to recognize adversity as a temporary circumstance.

Key #2: Condition yourself to see the value first, rather than pain and hurt.

There is no suggestion here adversity will always be free of pain and/or hurt. It is understandable, natural and normal to experience these emotions and feelings. However, what we are suggesting is for you to condition yourself to see the value first. By doing this it completely changes your attitude and your ability to cope with adversity.

Here is where an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Again we know we will not be immune to adversity in our lives, but if we practice seeing the value in it before it sets its sights on us, we will be equipped to deal with it.

There are plenty of examples all around us every day, you just have to be looking for them. You can take many of the experiences of the day from the news, colleagues, family and friends and find the leadership principles embedded in them. You essentially become value hunters, and when you consistently do this long enough it becomes a part of who you are. When we continually train ourselves to look for value in everyday circumstance, it becomes branded into who we are and shows up even when are amid adversity.

Key #3: See-through adversity – don’t stare at it!

What happens with you stare at a problem? It gets bigger and bigger until it seems to loom in front of you like a giant, intimidating wall, too thick for you to even dream of moving past or leaping over.

Never sit down and stare at adversity, because doing so will only make the situation appear worse. Instead, force yourself to see through it. Imagine yourself wearing a pair of x-ray glasses to help you see what lies beyond the problem.

Just knowing that there is something beyond the moment of adversity will empower you to move through the situation with far greater ease. Picture yourself on the other side and imagine how you will feel once it has past. If you can see far enough, you may even be able to see yourself as actually thankful for the “blessing in disguise” because of how it helped you become the person you are.

When you see through adversity it loses its power to hold you back from the successful outcome you were designed to create.

The art of overcoming adversity is not mastered overnight. It takes time and effort. However, we assure you that time and effort are well spent. When you begin to approach adversity with these three keys, you will operate on a whole new level. You will begin to experience the opportunity and success that few people ever realize.

Don’t let adversity tell you what it will do to your life; overcome adversity and take from it that will benefit you and help you tap into your greatness.

If you need help in developing ways to overcome adversity in your business, connect with Engineered Lifestyles through our Contact Us section. We have been helping entrepreneurs overcome adversity in their businesses since 2006.


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