Health Benefits of Triotein

Triotein Health Benefits

Triotein is a high-quality, lactose-free whey protein powder that provides the amino acid substrates needed to stimulate the body’s production of intracellular glutathione peroxidase (GSH).

Studies have shown that glutathione (GSH) is the most powerful, naturally-occurring antioxidant and probably the most important molecule the body has for defence against toxins and the prevention of damage to cells.

Triotein Health Benefits

Triotein gives you the power to protect your cells.

As our bodies are made of billions of cells, having healthy cells is vital to our health. With Triotein giving our bodies what it needs to produce glutathione our cells then have the ability to heal themselves when in the optimum health environment, so one could define optimum health as the body’s ability to heal itself.

Yet, every time you breathe, eat or drink, you could be exposing your body to environmental toxins that attack the body’s cells.

  • Ultraviolet light
  • Nuclear waste from energy
  • Industrial waste
  • Certain building materials
  • Cigarette smoke
  • Auto exhaust
  • Drugs
  • Dry cleaning solvents
  • Pesticides
  • Herbicides
  • Phthalates from plastics
  • X-rays

These toxins can cause damage to the body’s cells; which can have a negative effect on the body’s natural defence. So, how can the body be in optimum health when we encounter toxins every moment of every day?

Once toxins are neutralized or removed, normal cell function will often return to normal levels. Studies show that the best defence against toxins and the resulting free radicals are antioxidants, a substance that neutralizes destructive free radicals.

Two Major Protective Function of Glutathione (GSH)

First, glutathione (GSH) provides antioxidant protection within the cell, especially in the nucleus where RNA and DNA must be protected.

Glutathione Promotes a Healthy Immune System

GSH also acts as a protectant from toxic materials, especially in the liver and lungs.

When microbes attack a cell, the cell defends itself by rapidly producing immune defence cells. This, in turn, produces free radicals.

These toxins can result in ‘free radicals’, which occur from the metabolic processes within each cell from foods, air, exercise, stress and illness.*

Free radicals can create cell damage if not neutralized.

How Do I Maintain Healthy Glutathione Levels?

First, evaluate your lifestyle to decrease the number of toxins to which you expose your body.

Second, eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. And remember, ‘fresh is best’. Also, supplement with a full spectrum of minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

Will Glutathione Supplements Help?

Studies have shown that these supplements are not as effective.* The free amino acid cysteine is not delivered to the cell wall so it cannot be used to make glutathione.

Glutathione (GSH) as a tripeptide does not survive the intestinal tract in enough amounts to influence intracellular glutathione; therefore, the body needs the ‘building blocks’ of GSH for natural production. These building blocks are provided in Triotein.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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