Expert Tips for Looking Younger These Holidays
With another holiday season upon us many people are already stressed out about the activities involved, let alone finding ways of looking younger. Add this together and many people are more worried about their appearance and material items than the joys of spending time with family. We get it, sometimes our families can drive us crazy, but after all, we love them just the same because they are our family.
From preparing the dinners to shopping for gifts, little time is left for us. However, we want to change that thinking, at least for a small portion of your time. We want you to dazzle this holiday season not just with your great cooking or the amazing and thoughtful gifts you bought everyone – no we want you to dazzle them with how much younger you look!
Before you start thinking “it’s too late to look younger for the holidays” stop and read what is below. We’ve put together some expert tips that will allow you to wish in the New Year with fewer wrinkles than you started this year with!
Top 10 Tips for Looking Younger Over the Holidays
Fight Back Against Sun Damage and Wrinkles
While there is no way to stop the hands of time, nobody says you have to sit by idly and accept it. One great and effective way to rejuvenate your skin is to exfoliate it on a regular basis. By using an exfoliating product such as the Skindulgence Firming Facial System, one to two times a week, you will remove dead skin cells, promote new skin and improve the tone and vibrancy of your skin. In addition to the benefits of exfoliating your skin, the facelift will also tighten the muscles under your skin, providing you with a facial lift from the first time you use it, eliminating fine lines and wrinkles.
Clean Your Skin
If you have heard the expression “too much of a good thing” this is definitely a case for it. Too often we think that having squeaky clean skin is what’s best for our skin. The fact is, some of the cleansers available on the market clean our skin too much and have the opposite effect on helping us look younger. They strip our skin of the essential minerals and oils our skin needs to be healthy. We are left with tight, dry skin that causes redness and flaking.
Preserve your facial skin’s natural protective oils by using a pH-balanced cleanser such as the Skindulgence Cleanser that is effective at deep cleaning your skin, while not stripping your skin. It is safe and gentle enough to use morning and night without damaging your skin
Protect Your Skin with Moisturizers
Too often we hear people saying they don’t moisturize their skin because they have oily or sensitive skin. While their skin type may require them to use less moisturizer than an individual who has dry skin, a daily moisturizer is recommended.
By moisturizing daily with a creamy moisturizer containing humectants, ingredients that attract water to the skin (glycerin, hyaluronic acid ) and emollients, which seal the moisture in (lanolin, shea butter), you will ensure your skin has the moisture it needs to stay healthy and vibrant. The more you protect your skin with a high-quality moisturizer like the Skindulgence Moisturizer, the fewer effects your environment will have on the look of your skin.
Protect Your Skin Daily
Even as we venture into the cold, dark months of winter we must continue to protect our skin with sunscreen. Protecting our skin is a 365-day job and looking younger does not happen by magic, it does take discipline. The use of sunscreen is probably the most overlooked way to keep your skin looking younger and healthy. Sunscreen is the cheapest, most effective way to combat skin aging. Try a broad-spectrum oil-free SPF 15 every day, an SPF 30 when you’re outside a lot, and a powerful broad-spectrum sunscreen spray when you’re at the beach.
Protect Your Hands and Neck
You have the products already so there is no reason not to other than we don’t think about it. When you’re using moisturizer and sunscreen, don’t forget to apply them liberally to your neck and hands as well. Typically, these areas can age almost as fast as the skin on your face.
Looking your best and looking younger these holidays do not have to cost you a fortune. Through the simple tips, we have shared here you can with a few minor changes to your daily routine improve the look of your skin almost overnight. Using the Skindulgence Facelift product will have immediate effects as well with continued use, your toned skin and wrinkle-free appearance will have people asking you for your secrets.
Enjoy your holidays and the looks you get as people compliment you on your glowing, youthful skin.