7 Best Facial Massage Videos
Who is ready for a facial massage video to show them how to relax and de-stress? Long days, stressful situations and never-ending responsibility can leave you feeling less than great. With the need to unwind and relax not really an option and the continuous stress having a compounding effect on the look of your skin, we want to help. Have a massage on us.
While we know how well Skindulgence products at helping your skin look it’s absolute best, we also know it is not reasonable to take 30 minutes out of your day at work to apply a facelift treatment, or spend 20 minutes sitting at your desk with a BioCell Mask on. Instead, we want to arm you with some fantastic ways you can massage your face to melt away the harmful effects stress is having on both you and the look of your skin.
The following seven facial massage videos were polled, screened and reviewed and determined to the best to share with you. They are here to help de-puff, improve circulation, defy gravity and redefine your cheekbones and jaw line, all without hurting yourself.
Before getting to the videos we do want to mention your epidermis, or the outer layer of your skin is sensitive and should be treated gently. Be careful in how you massage your face and follow these instructions.
7 Best Facial Massage Videos
Begin with this introduction to a facial massage video, which manages to be thorough and extremely soothing at the same time. ASMR score: off the charts.
It’ll be the day when Lisa Eldridge isn’t on point. Plus don’t you want to find out how she uses that rolling thermometer contraption?
Seriously. If everyone who appears in these tutorials made a CD, we’d buy it and be able to fall asleep like that every night. (Then wake up, mush our faces around, and be unbelievably radiant, naturally.)
The most active of the bunch, this how-to is like a mini workout for your arms and your mug.
Not going to lie: We tried this no-oil-required one at our desks. Again this is the whole point of sharing these, and if our boss saw us doing it, we were technically working. Chalk it up to research.
Want to know where massage and masks fit in your skincare regimen? One girl breaks down the steps.
This is a super-quick routine even we could do on our busiest/laziest mornings.
We hope you enjoyed these and as always we appreciate all your emails and comments and don’t forget to share these with your friends.