What is Anorgasmia?

Understanding Anorgasmia

What is Anorgasmia?

Upset Woman with Anorgasmia

Anorgasmia is the medical term for regular difficulty reaching orgasm after ample sexual stimulation, causing you personal distress. Anorgasmia is actually a very common occurrence, affecting at least 1 in 5 women worldwide. This is a sexual disorder that can affect both men and women alike. Based on studies, however, this condition is more prevalent in women than in men. This disorder can cause sexual frustration leading to a low-libido and potentially even relationship and self-esteem issues. In addition to this, when sexual excitement is triggered, pelvic pain can result from a lack of relief of tension. In some other cases, anorgasmia can eventually bring on a limited or complete absence of sexual arousal.

There are varying degrees of anorgasmia and for this reason, it is classified according to its extent in three categories – primary, secondary and situational anorgasmia. These categories are explained below.

Primary Anorgasmia

This category describes cases in which orgasm has never been achieved.

While this condition is very rare, suffers are not necessarily sexually dysfunctional; they can experience low levels of sexual arousal without the peaks required for an orgasm to occur. More often than not, they can still derive some sexual pleasure from kissing, cuddling and caressing, as well as from the intimacy of the act of penetration.

While underlying health problems may be the cause of the primary anorgasmia, there is often no apparent physical or psychological reason explaining why one cannot have an orgasm.

Alura Lux Supporting Healthy Orgasms and Situational Anorgasmia

Secondary Anorgasmia

This category describes cases in which the ability to have an orgasm has been lost.

The causes are many and varied for this category. They range from physical traumas to psychological issues. Depression and grief are common examples of psychological complications that lead to secondary anorgasmia. Various medications or substance abuse can be a contributing factor to this condition.

Major health problems that impair a person’s blood flow, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease, can reduce the individual’s capacity to feel sexually aroused. Hormonal imbalances often affect an individual’s libido eventually resulting in anorgasmia.

Situational Anorgasmia

This category is the most common type as well as most treatable.

In this category the individual has the ability to have an orgasm, however, it is based solely on the situation. It is possible in some cases and totally out of reach in others. For instance, it could be a psychological response to a particular stimulus to intercourse with a certain partner, or type of foreplay. In most cases it is frequently just a matter of sexual preference and rarely classified as a serious problem.

Recommendations for Dealing with Anorgasmia

Alura Lux Dealing with Anorgasmia
Primary and secondary anorgasmia are viewed as actual sexual dysfunctions. They can be potentially detrimental to the sex life of the sufferer. While it might be possible to self-examine and address the cause or causes on your own, it is recommended to consult a professional on the subject.

Psychological problems such as inhibitions or trauma are generally handled through psychosexual counselling. Conditions that involve depression disorders are better treated with relevant psychotherapy.

Physical anorgasmia that originates in hormone imbalances can be corrected with hormonal patches or tablets prescribed by a medical doctor. Decreased blood flow to the pelvic area may also be remedied through the use of products such as Alura Lux. This product increases blood flow to the pelvic area, specifically the clitoris, thus increasing sensitivity and enjoyment. See how Alura has helped women worldwide by reading some of their stories here.